NRSWA Supervisor Reassessment

Designed for supervisors. This is the re-assement course that enables a supervisor to extend or renew their pre-existing NRSWA certification.  On successful completion the delegate will be awarded their SmartAwards certificate which defines the completed modules and a replacement Street Works Qualification Register card.

This Course covers the open book theory test of the following modules : 

NRSWA LA - Location and Avoidance of Underground Apparatus (Unit 1)
NRSWA S1 - Monitoring signing, Lighting and Guarding (Unit 10)
NRSWA S2 - Monitoring Excavation in the Highway (Unit 11)
NRSWA S3 - Monitoring Reinstatement of Backfill Materials (Unit 12)
NRSWA S4 - Monitoring Reinstatement of Sub-Base and Base in Non-Bituminous Materials (Unit 13)
NRSWA S5 - Monitoring Reinstatement in Bituminous Materials (Unit 14)
NRSWA S7 - Monitoring Reinstatement of Modular Surfaces and Concrete Footways (Unit 16)


An expired or soon to expire NRSWA Supervisor certication card that covers the modules the candidate wishes to be reassessed for.


2 Days

Awarding Body

Smart Awards & SWQR

Certification Included

Smart Award Cert & SWQR Card Included in cost


£269.50 excluding VAT