NRSWA Operative Initial 5 Day Course

Designed for operatives. This comprehensive course covers the full theory and practical requirements for an operative to work in compliance with the New Roads and Street Works Act.  Delegates will learn how to work safely and will  demonstrate competence in locating and avoiding underground utilities, safe excavation, backfill, and reinstatement methods for modular, flexible, composite, and concrete surfaces.  On successful completion the delegate will be awarded their SmartAwards certificate which defines the completed modules and an initial  Street Works Qualification Register card.

The Modules covered are:

NRSWA LA - Location and Avoidance of Underground Apparatus
NRSWA (O1) - Signing, Lighting and Guarding
NRSWA (O2)  - Excavation In The Highway
NRSWA (O3) - Reinstatement and Compaction of Backfill Materials 
NRSWA (O4)  - Reinstatement of Sub-base & Base in Non-bituminous Materials
NRSWA (O5) - Reinstatement in Cold-lay Bituminous Materials
NRSWA (O8) - Reinstatement of Modular Surfaces and Concrete Footways




5 Days

Awarding Body

Smart Awards & SWQR

Certification Included

Smart Award Cert & SWQR Card Included in cost


£679.50 excluding VAT